Explore what it takes to teach from a foundation of "FEEL"

Welcome to the Program!

Begin by watching this 9 minute welcome from Kerri.

Elevate Your Ability To Teach Intuitively

  • "You have added a depth to me that has taken me to the next level with my horses and all the animals I encounter, and I can't thank you enough..."

  • "... I was involved as a lecturer at a equine podiatherapy college here in Victoria. You were a big part of this as I shared our experience with them and demonstrated ideas you shared with me. They were all very interested in you and I feel this group and the next would contribute to next years clinics."

What's in the way?

The short answer is ... fear and misunderstanding.

When a rider has a hard time feeling their horse, there is often a deep, internal struggle that keeps them from fully embodying, or feeling, part of their body. If they can't feel their body, they can't feel the horse. As their trainer and instructor, you can provide drills and repetition hoping your student gets it eventually, but that makes everyone frustrated and tired. You can change horses, work harder, push through, force an outcome, but that often makes both horses and humans a bit more defended rather than fluid.

The Missing Piece

Self-Awareness: The Foundation of "Feel"

As teachers, instructors, trainers of horsemanship, our instruction is incomplete until we educate our students on “feel.” But what is “feel?” Unlike golf, tennis, basketball, etc. horsemanship is an active partnership between two sentient beings. Each horse and each human has their own unique feelings, physical capabilities, learning style and preferences. To cultivate a mutually loving, respectful, and rewarding partnership, we need to learn technique for biomechanical movements of the horse and rider, but there is more than just the bio-physics. Working with "feel" requires an awareness of our horse’s energetic presence ... and our own.

Program Curriculum

Click Registration to access the Free Preview

    1. Tool #1 - Mind, Watch The Body

    2. Teaching Sample 1

    3. Mind, Watch the Body - 11.4.24 Recording

    4. November Office Hours 1, 11/11/24

    5. November Office Hours 2, 11/18/24

    6. Message for AFF participants, Nov 29th 2024

    7. How Do You Listen - 12.2.24 Recording

    8. How Do YOU Listen?

    9. December Office Hours 1, 12/9/24

    10. December Office Hours 2, 12/16/24

    11. Perspectives

    12. January 6th, 2025 Gathering

    13. January Office Hours 1, 1.13.25

    14. January Office Hours 2, 1.20.25

    1. AFF Breaking Energy

    2. February First Monday Gathering, 2.3.25

    3. February Office Hours 1, 2.10.25

    4. February Office Hours 2, 2.17.25

    5. March First Monday Gathering 3.3.25

    6. March Office Hours 1, 3.10.25

    7. March Office Hours 2, 3.17.25

    8. Feel Before Technique

    9. April Office Hours 1

    10. April Office Hours 2

    1. Expansion - How Available Are You?

    2. May Office Hours 1

    3. May Office Hours 2

    4. Transcending Dominance

    5. June Office Hours 1

    6. June Office Hours 2

    7. The Connection Triangle

    8. July Office Hours 1

    9. July Office Hours 2

    1. Heart Center Open

    2. Space Before Words

    3. August Office Hours 1

    4. August Office Hours 2

    5. Offering Creation

    6. September Office Hours 1

    7. September Office Hours 2

    8. Human Evolution

    9. October Office Hours 1

    10. October Office Hours 2

About this course

  • 52 lessons

Why enroll in Activating & Facilitating "Feel"

People are changing. Their hearts are asking for a different way of learning, a different kind of teacher. People are tired of feeling like they they have to choose either their heart or their performance.

  • When you go home feeling drained and frustrated after a day of teaching

  • When your students are having trouble transforming your instruction into action

  • When students seem afraid to try or afraid to "mess up"

  • When you know there is a more intuitive way but you aren't sure how to get there

  • When you notice the horses trying but there is a block between the horse and the student

  • When it seems like the horses and students are perpetually "lazy"

  • When you want to bring your heart and passion alive through your profession

  • When you want to integrate more intuitive communication and clarity into your work but aren't sure how

  • When you're ready to share a whole new aspect of your talent through your work

This Program

enhances your capacity to learn from every other teacher in every other context

When you develop your capacity to listen and learn intuitively, you enhance your capacity to learn from every person and situation you encounter. Techniques begin to make sense in a felt way. Deep wisdom and connection are easier to access, integrate and apply. This course will help you learn how you learn and empower your confidence to receive and use what works for you uniquely.

Take Your Journey Further

The Activating and Facilitating Feel Program is a year-long opportunity for you to explore your personal and professional journey in the light of intuitive clarity. Registration will be limited to 20 participants and will open once a year. Our 2024-2025 cohort is scheduled to being in October, 2024. This group has the opportunity to be a part of a new paradigm in horsemanship education and, in this first year will have the chance to help shape the course curriculum for future students to come!

  • Simple, pragmatic and effective tools for intuitive communication

  • Personal guidance, peer-to-peer learning, online and in-person

  • Monthly Zoom Meetings (12)

  • Monthly “Office Hours” to ask questions and request feedback on case studies (12)

  • Dedicated Online Community

  • Special discount on Activating and Facilitating “Feel” In-Person Event Series (2)

  • Access to Online Resource Library

Priceless Pricing

We would like this program to be as accessible as possible. International currency exchange rates, income levels, opportunities and personal circumstances around money are different for everyone. We feel that shouldn't get in the way of expanding your self-awareness and personal journey. This program obviously requires money to function - the people, time, platforms and other resources that go into this are all profoundly valuable. What's more valuable though, is what we create together when we engage with open hearts as fellow learners. The value of participation by everyone with open hearts, regardless of how much money they have, is truly PRICELESS.

  • Each monthly online gathering will include reflection on the priceless nature of exploring self-awareness, relationship and interspecies consciousness

  • Participants will affirm for themselves at each gathering whether they wish to continue with the year-long program and contribute an amount each month that reflects the value they are receiving

  • There are many types of value in currency - time, money, talent, wisdom, presence, gifting, connection, creativity ... Priceless Pricing has space for offering value from the heart of integrity

  • Participants will use a link provided each month to contribute a monetary amount that reflects the value they are finding in the program while also honoring their own personal circumstances

  • In-person teaching weekends will require a set fee in US dollars for attendance, to honor the physical costs involved

  • Funds will need to be received in US dollars

  • Attend one of the informational online gatherings to learn more and have your questions answered. The first one is on May 27th at 4pm PST, and it will be recorded. You must RSVP to receive the recording.

Teach "feel" rather than force.

What does it take to activate and facilitate "feel" for yourself, your students and your horses?

  • Clarity

    Your foundation builds when you become intimately aware of your own sense of "feel" - how do you know that you know? We'll offer you tools to navigate the mind and become available to your senses.

  • Communication

    How do you share a sense that may or may not come with words? You may discover new ways to talk about familiar things. Explore your own unique approach to clarity and expression.

  • Empowerment

    Clarity and trust in your own senses changes the way you speak and teach. Engage your senses as you teach and empower your students to new levels of clarity in their capacity to "feel".

What ripples will you see as you participate in Activating & Facilitating "Feel?"

The horses are not machines, and neither are you. Teaching horsemanship involves so much more than just the physical and mechanical movements of the body. The biomechanics, neuroscience, the techniques and form are of course important - with living beings though, there is so much more. When your education is founded in awareness, your listening creates a softeness and a simplicity in the way you apply technique. Horses and riders move more from connection than force.

  • Facilitate genuine softness in rider and horse

  • Reduce unnecessary stress for horses, riders and trainers

  • Operate and communicate in touch with your body and your energy, the first information your horses look to for connection.

  • Develop clarity in how you communicate your own innate "feel" to productively relate nuances to your students

  • Develop greater sensitivity to help you and your students evolve as riders and as humans

  • Expand your innate intuitive communication with both horses and humans as you activate and facilitate others

  • Empowers your students' relationships with horses and humans as they become aware of their own sense of “feel”

  • Simplify, simplify, simplify. Engaging through feel means you can accomplish more with less mental processing.

  • Dissolve fear of "feel" - this approach can be a profoundly healing journey

Who is this course for?

While this 1-Year journey is designed for Trainers, Instructors, Teachers and Mentors, we welcome all whose hearts are drawn in this direction

Intuitive learning is “non-linear.” There is no single destination to achieve, no single measure to tell you that you’ve “done it right”. If you are lucky, you will never stop learning. Activating and Facilitating “feel” is a lifelong journey into the mystical realm of connection. While this course was designed with Instructors, Trainers, Bodyworkers, and other equine professionals in mind, anyone interested in learning to activate their own “feel” and better their communication with their horse is welcome to join!

Activating & Facilitating Feel

A year-long program to empower your intuitive clarity and transform your ability to teach from "feel" rather than force.

  • Learn profoundly simple tools of awareness to bring your mind and body together

  • Discover perspectives that help you navigate fear and emotion without judgment

  • Clarify and expand your capacity to participate in and facilitate true interspecies 2-way communication

  • Discover and celebrate your own capacity to work intuitively, to both ride and teach with "feel"

  • Expand your ability to empower your students in their "feel", intuitive clarity and confidence

  • Develop your discernment for when less is more and slowing down is the fastest way to progress

  • Simplify your approach to communication and develop your ability to connect in Presence

Feedback From Participants

"Overall, this is the most impactful course I have ever done!"

Sigrid P.

I feel it is literally more valuable than most of the other education I have undertaken my whole life. I cannot thank you enough. I hear your voice in my head often, bringing me back to that loving space.

"This course has been wonderful."

Louise F.

I do feel like I need to go back and watch all the videos multiple times. It feels like every time I re-watch one of the videos, the subject matter makes a little bit more sense and I understand the concepts more as well. The course material flowed nicely and the format was very easy to follow.

"It’s bizarre to say this but even over Zoom I found this course to be very intimate and connected."

Tess S.

Kerri just has an energy that makes you feel like she is in the same room with you—always creating a safe space. Absent of judgment. I loved that as well and really felt this from the group. I will be sad when this course ends, even though that is linear thinking and the love/energy will never go away.

"Oh it has been breathtaking!"

Anne A.

I feel so much more connected to myself and to the Universe. The online platform was amazing and I just can't begin to tell you how great the group calls were. It has been more amazing than I could have ever imagined!

"I can say the course has led me to more me then I knew possible."

Brigid P.

Taking life to its simplistic essence and beauty have opened my heart to the AWE of what IS! I'm so grateful and look forward to hearing there's a Course .2!

"The course has been very valuable."

Steve B.

The subject matter was beneficial for where I am in my journey. For me, there was a bit of a disconnect with so much information at first and then, not so much….Im not too technical and found it a bit difficult to get the recordings of the drop ins I missed.

"There was an openness to explore ALL emotions with compassion for self."

Drewry V.

I felt so much patience and softness in the words written. There was a deep sense of curiosity that grew and grew the further into the course we got. And the curiosity was without attachment. It was beautiful!

"There was a deep sense of safety in sharing the vulnerable moments in each of our lives."

Lynda W.

A deep sharing of oneself. It truly felt that each participant was being seen, heard and held in this space by every other participant. What a rare container that you built for us to share within!

"There really was a trend in having the 'courage to feel'."

Sandi S

The beauty, the past, the change, the pace. With courage came a softening as we posted and learned more and more.

"I absolutely love the simplicity and the truth of these teachings..."

Julia B.

...gosh we have all been conditioned to complicate and defend, I really want to live like this, I do understand there will be some work involved sifting out the old patterns but the power of non attachment and living from the heart feel like home to me.

This year-long journey is facilitated by:

Kerri has been facilitating internationally and online for more than a decade.

Kerri Lake

Kerri was aware of her awareness in infancy. Knowing the absence of doubt, and guided by her relationships with animals and nature, she lives deliberately, assisting humanity see and choose kindness and harmony in relationships. Her primary vehicle for awakening and personal evolution in this life has been relationships - with family, with animals, with partners, with Creator Consciousness and within herself. She has experienced several near-death and expanded-consciousness events, each of which reminded her of the dynamic power of living from the heart, for the heart. Without dependence on a modality or system, Kerri has blazed a new trail on the road to freedom from limitations and conditioning. On this trail, all species are welcome and integrate through frequencies of communication. Kerri is masterful in many ways. Her early awareness included a natural ability to communicate with animals and all of life in subtle realms of consciousness, through energy and presence. With wisdom, guidance and communication from many teachers (human and non-human), she assists to help you recognize your capacity to experience connection and communication through presence, through the heart.