

The future of teaching, training, communication and relationships is in our own self-awareness.

These Tools form the foundation of all other Generation of Harmony courses and programs. 

If you are considering one of the longer-term programs like Activating & Facilitating Feel, this live, interactive course can give you a a robust beginning to enter the other programs with good experience. 

Whether you continue exploring with GenH programs, or if you are studying with other teachers, the Tools can provide you with a solid foundation to discover, clarify and expand your own intuitive wisdom. 

Our priority is to offer you resources, guidance and empowerment so you can flourish on whatever path your heart takes you

Curiosity Guides The Journey

Discover awareness with clarity and simplicity.

What Is Available To You With This Course?

  • Simplicity

    The Tools are created to give you greater ease and access to your own clarity. While their effect is deep and powerful, they are designed to be very simple.

  • Live Facilitation

    Live guidance offered every week for 4 weeks with Kerri Lake. This is an opportunity to explore and play with course content starting on August 15th.

  • Community

    Join a community of like-minded, like-hearted people on their own version of the same path to awareness, clarity and harmony with an open heart.

Course curriculum

Listen with your mind...then listen again with your heart

    1. Introduction to Tools For An Awakening World

    2. The Beauty Of Being In Kindergarten

    3. Week 1 - Introductions and Play

    4. Week 1 Recording 8.15.24

    1. "Watching" is the same as "Listening"

    2. "Mind, Watch The Body"

    3. Keeping It Simple

    4. Heart Center Open 2020

    5. Week 2 - Mind, Watch the Body

    6. Week 2 Recording 8.22.24

    1. Using Sensory Awareness

    2. "Breaking Energy"

    3. "Show Me More" and other great inquiries

    4. How do you know when it's complete?

    5. Week 3 - Breaking Energy

    6. Week 3 Recording 8.29.24

    1. Acknowledging Your Light And Generating Space

    2. Expansion

    3. Going Forward From Here

    4. Week 4 - Expansion and Conclusion

    1. Resources and Links

About this course

  • $350.00
  • 21 lessons
  • 7.5 hours of video content

What ripples will you see as you participate with the Tools, Live & Interactive Course?

Let your mind work in service to your heart. The ultimate purpose of meditation, spiritual practices, somatic awareness, breathwork and various yogas is to transcend the mind's assumptions and know your own essence. What happens when, instead of trying to quiet the mind, you begin to direct it?

  • Facilitate genuine softness in the relationship with your mind

  • Discover what 10 seconds of gentle awareness of the mind can create in your body

  • Develop greater sensitivity without judgment

  • "Organize" your awareness to make the body a priority, and watch the mind quiet down on its own

  • Empower yourself to transcend difficult and intense situations rather than escaping or abandoning

  • Discover simplicity in relationship to emotions and empathic information

  • Expand your innate intuitive communication with others and within yourself

  • Dissolve fear of "feel" - this approach can be a profoundly healing journey

  • Simplify, simplify, simplify. Engaging with these Tools helps you to accomplish more with less mental processing.

Who is this course for?

Every path leads home to the heart.

The simplicity of these Tools will benefit anyone who wishes to know more of their own essence, to know who and what they truly are regardless of context. If you are curious, these Tools can offer a window into your deep clarity and innate knowing. You might be a teacher, healer, professional, parent, tradesman, rider, trainer, student, yogi, alchemist or business magnate - before all of that though, you are a divine expression in human form. These Tools will serve to help the mind work in service to the heart so that you may know the ease that is your birthright.
Kerri Lake Tools For An Awakening World


  • When are the live sessions, and will they be recorded?

    All live sessions will be recorded. The first session is on August 15th, Thursday at 4:00pm. Three more sessions will occur on the following three Thursdays at 4:00pm Pacific.

  • What if I've already taken the Tools online course or participated in an in-person event?

    If you already have some experience with the Tools, you will find this course to offer you a deeper sense of what you are already experiencing. Each online session offers clarity, guidance and depth through Kerri's facilitation. There is no end to what can be addressed!

  • How long will I have access to the materials?

    You will have access to the online materials for at least a year, if not longer.